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Dragon Tales: 1x44

Get Offa My Cloud

Max is in the playroom with Emmy. He wants to know what she’s doing. It’s a project for class. They’re planting carrot seeds inside a plastic cup filled with soil. They water it everyday, then, when the carrot’s ready, they just pull it out. Emmy waters the seedling as she complains that it’s slow. They get the idea tht plants grow fast in Dragon Land and decide to go there. They arrive and Ord gives them a big hug. Emmy tells Ord her idea, which Ord really likes. They only brought carrot seeds. Fortunately, Ord has fruits in his pouch. Well, you can’t exactly plant fruits, so Ords eats them up and neatly spits the seeds. Cassie then explains that they have something called Wonder Water in Dragon Land to make the seeds grow fast. She heads off to get a canful. Meanwhile, Emmy and Ord get to work. Max tries to help, but instead, he ruins things. So, he takes a seat under a shady tree. Meanwhile, Cassie returns with a can of Wonder Water. She warns that they must only use a drop on each seed. Having watered the plants, they head off to Ord’s cave to have lunch. Max didn’t want to come along. He decides to head back to the garden, where he decides that maybe he should have another try at helping. He pours lots of water on a single seed. That wasn’t such a good idea. There’s a bit of an earthquake as suddenly the small seed shoots up into a very large plant. One of the leaves get under Max, and lifts him up – way up – on to a cloud. There, he finda a little gnome guy with the attitude of Zak named Squink, who got up there by means of a bubble, but hasn’t got down since. Meanwhile, everybody else returns to the vegetable patch, only to find Max missing. Back on top of the plant, Max accidentally drips some Wonder Water onto Squink’s beard, causing it to elongate. This prompts Max to think. Suddenly, he remembers that he still has some carrot seeds in his pocket, and carrots grow downwards. So, he plants them with the remaining amount of soil he has in his pocket into the

Jan. 18, 2000

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